The Art & Fable Story

Our Mission is Simple:

Art & Fable aims to kindle curiosity & ignite enthusiasm for visual art in the modern world, through the simple and profound pleasure of puzzling.

The visual arts are an integral part of any flourishing culture, yet our modern world offers increasingly fewer venues for painters to showcase their work. We envision a future where the audience for hardworking artists expands– where anyone can passionately engage with art, as they would with their favorite song or movie.

We believe that classic jigsaw puzzles are a simple and surprisingly effective way to spark genuine, long-lasting appreciation for art.


When assembling a painting in puzzle form, we notice details about the piece we hadn’t previously– the subtle shifts of color and value, the variety of the brushstrokes. It allows us to interact with a painting in a more intimate way, and, perhaps even step briefly into the mind of the painter themselves.

Art & Fable Puzzle Company™ hopes to deepen one’s appreciation and understanding of an artist’s works, processes, and individual stories.

Art & Fable Puzzle Company™ and the tiny team behind it
exist to bridge these gaps of access in bringing Fine Art
to the homes of everyone – through the simple and
the profound joy of engaging in a classic jigsaw puzzle.