That Dreaded Missing Puzzle Piece!

Before we get started…

CHECK THE BAG!  The cause of a missing piece is often that it was thrown out with the original puzzle bag. Always inspect the bag carefully before recycling or composting it.

WAIT AT LEAST 48 HOURS.  Believe it or not, fairies will return puzzle pieces in the middle of the night.  Most inquiries we receive are canceled within 48-72 hours for exactly that reason!  Maybe consider leaving something nice for “you know who”, and hope the piece shows up in a day or two!

Let us help you complete your puzzle!

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Let's face it-- it is not just fairies that walk off with our puzzle pieces. Pets, vacuums, clothing, and furniture are known to scoop up and devour them. After all, there are so many pieces in the box that it is bound to happen every once in a while! If you answered "NO" to either question above, we appreciate your honesty and that you want to repair your puzzle! Please continue with this form, and also click this link to place an order for replacement pieces.

Mailing Address*
To find your missing piece, we need two good-quality pictures. Take a picture of a 4" x 4" area with your missing piece in the center. It is important that we can see the cut lines of the puzzle pieces all around the missing piece. Do not take the picture from an angle; we need a bird's-eye view. We also need a picture of the entire completed puzzle, photographed the same way. If you have extra pieces, please send us photos of those as well.
Please click here to see examples of the type of photos we need you to upload.
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 6.
    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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