The Original Art & Fable Box Top Stand

Puzzle Gifts & Accessories



Sitting at the kitchen table on Christmas Eve, the Durgin sisters created the template for the Original Art & Fable Box Top Stand.  A few tweaks and it was ready for production.  It is now a standard “bonus item” in every Art & Fable puzzle box.

This handy stand has been popping up at puzzle competitions and in many social media posts of puzzles that are not even A&F Puzzles – and we think this is just great!  Has yours worn out?   We have a few extras to offer you!

Sitting at the kitchen table on Christmas Eve, the Durgin sisters created the template for the Original Art & Fable Box Top Stand.  A few tweaks and it was ready for production.  It is now a standard “bonus item” in every Art & Fable puzzle box.

This handy stand has been popping up at puzzle competitions and in many social media posts of puzzles that are not even A&F Puzzles – and we think this is just great!  Has yours worn out?   We have a few extras to offer you!

More Puzzles To Explore:

  • Game Night

  • The Card Players
